
Sozo is a Greek word meaning “wholeness” and “Sozo Ministry” was developed originally in Redding, California.

Sozo is an effective prayer ministry

Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit led and effective

Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years

Sozo equips you with tools for life’s issues

Sozo helps heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfil your destiny

A Sozo session is not a counselling session but a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A session normally lasts between 1 ½ - 2 hours.

Appointments for personal ministry can be made by requesting an application form from our Sozo administrator at Use this link or the contact page of the website. On receipt of your application we will contact you to arrange an appointment. There is a suggested donation per session which should be sent to us with your application forms.

We have resumed face to face Sozos and will also continue to offer appointments via Zoom. Please contact us by email or phone for more information.

Is this for me? Are you having difficulty with your walk with God, difficulties hearing, seeing, sensing Him? Do you feel that some kind of wall is preventing a breakthrough? Are you having difficulty with other relationships in your life and don’t seem to know why (or, even if you do, can’t seem to do anything about it)?Have you spent time and energy in trying to overcome issues in your life but with no success?

Please contact us for more information:

By phone: (07846009356)

By email:

We also offer financial sozo. Financial sozo helps you deal with the lies that stop you walking in financial freedom. For more information click here.

To book or for more information please use the phone number and email address above. Please mention financial sozo in your message.