If you wish to donate to a specific cause please specify this under “additional information”
Giving is the way we live . . . . . . . . . . .
People will want to support the work at KingsWay for many reasons. Our main reason for existing is that we believe the world needs the love, mercy and generosity that characterise the nature of the God we have come to know and serve. We need the funds to provide a building to serve the community and in which to worship God together.
Most of the people you will meet recognise that giving is not really so much a duty as a privilege . . of sharing in the giving lifestyle that is a foundational part of loving and caring. Giving is thus a part of our worship of a God who has graciously given us so much.
Your gifts will contribute to our work with CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and to various other programmes we support, as well as helping to provide for our building and facilitating the projects and activities you can see on the website. If you are a UK taxpayer you can Gift-Aid your giving which will allow us to claim some tax back from the Inland Revenue.
If you wish to donate to a specific cause please specify this under “additional information”